Auto-update SOLIDWORKS PDM add-ins

Amen Jlili

The auto-updater add-in is a tool developed by Blue Byte Systems, Inc. to streamline our code delivery process for our SOLIDWORKS PDM customers.

The tool is add-in that allows you to access your custom add-ins and tasks and all their versions.

To install the add-in:

  1. Download the auto-updater add-in. The link is in your order confirmation. It’s also accessible from the downloads section in your account.
  2. The auto-updater add-in is a zip archive so make sure to right-click on it and unblock it from the file’s properties before you unzip its content.
  3. In your administration tool, log into your vault and then go to File > Open and browse to Auto-UpdaterAddInVX.cex (unzipped content).
  4. Click OK to open the CEX file.
  5. Drag and drop the auto-updater add-in icon onto the add-ins node in the administration tool. That will add the add-in into the add-ins node.
  6. Right-click on the add-in and click on Server Credentials
  7. Add your server credentials and click on close. Your server credentials are your Blue Byte Systems account credentials.
  8. Right-click on the add-in and click on Update add-ins
  9. This will show the main dialog of the add-in where you can select from the dropdown list the program you would like to install.
  10. Click on the install button to install the selected add-in.
  11. The process might take a few moments so please wait.
  12. You will be prompted at the end to restart your PDM session. This allows your local client to get the new version of the installed add-in.

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