Learn how to write SOLIDWORKS PDM add-ins with PDMFramework

Amen Jlili
In which Amen demos the PDMFramework library

The PDMFramework library opens up a world of new possibilities for programmers using SOLIDWORKS PDM. The framework was developed to make automations simple and quick. There is easy creation of tasks and task menus, easy cancellation, and built in debugger methods. Just install the package in your package manager. If you’d like to contribute, jump into the GitHub repo and do your pull requests. You can ask more questions at cadoverflow.ccom – In this video Amen demonstrates while using Visual Studio.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/BlueByteSystemsInc…
Visual Studio Template: https://github.com/BlueByteSystemsInc…
Contact: https://bluebyte.biz/contact
Post your question to : https://www.cadoverflow.com

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