PDMFramework – Productivity Library for SOLIDWORKS PDM

Amen Jlili

PDMFramework is a productivity library that builds on top of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional API to make developing PDM add-ins faster and easier. It improves upon the PDM task interfaces and brings features such as logging, dependency injection, and more. 

This is especially helpful for those who are developing custom add ins for SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional API, especially mechanical engineers and designers. 

Those that have programming ability but would like to utilize an existing framework to  build upon their ideas and custom apps for SOLIDWORKS PDM. Custom programmers will find it useful as a foundation for their custom SOLIDWORKS PDM add-ins.


Watch as Amen from BlueByte explains the tool and its uses for custom add-in development.

In this video, Amen outlines the main objective of the QRCode add-in version series. The QRCode add-in generates a QRCode image from a PDM file and saves a png into the vault.



In this video, Amen explains how to install the Visual Studio Project templates for PDMFramework. The SOLIDWORKS PDM add-in project template is a free-to-use VS project template that provides developers with a ready-to-use add-in that can be compiled within a few clicks.



In this video, Amen showcases creating the QRCode project using the VS template down from the previous video. The SOLIDWORKS PDM add-in project template is an awesome way to start developing PDM add-ins quickly and easily.



In this video, Amen showcases creating the QRCode project using the VS template down from the previous video. The SOLIDWORKS PDM add-in project template is an awesome way to start developing PDM add-ins quickly and easily.



In this video, Amen dives into creating the core logic of the QRCode PDM add-in focusing mainly on the OnCmd. The add-in gets initially defined through a list of attributes instead of the GetAddInfo method



In this video, Amen compiles and loads the QRCode add-in into the vault and performs a couple of manual tests to validate the functionality.

Would you find this useful? Comment below on how you have used or would like to use this PDM Framework tool. We love to hear from you and it helps us improve our tools for SOLIDWORKS PDM.

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