Delete all properties for the active configuration – SOLIDWORKS MACRO

Amen Jlili

The following macro deletes all the properties from the active configuration. The macro is written used late-binding so it is version independent. The deletion action requires confirmation by the user.

' Delete all dangling dimensions
' Conditions = Active document must be drawing
' Results = Dangling dimensions deleted
Dim swApp           As Object
Dim swModel         As Object
Dim swDraw          As Object
Dim swSheet         As Object
Dim swView          As Object
Dim boolstatus      As Boolean
Dim swAnn           As Object
Dim swDispDim       As Object
Dim vSheetNames     As Variant

Public Enum swDocumentTypes_e

    swDocNONE = 0       '  Used to be TYPE_NONE

    swDocPART = 1       '  Used to be TYPE_PART

    swDocASSEMBLY = 2   '  Used to be TYPE_ASSEMBLY

    swDocDRAWING = 3    '  Used to be TYPE_DRAWING

End Enum

Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
     If swModel Is Nothing Then
        swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Macro failed because there is no active drawing document.")
    ElseIf swModel.GetType <> swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING Then
        swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Macro failed because active document is not a drawing.")
        Set swDraw = swModel
        swModel.ClearSelection2 (True)
        vSheetNames = swDraw.GetSheetNames
        For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetNames)
            swDraw.ActivateSheet vSheetNames(i)
            Set swSheet = swDraw.Sheet(vSheetNames(i))
            Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView
            Do While Not swView Is Nothing
                Set swAnn = swView.GetFirstAnnotation3
                Do While Not swAnn Is Nothing
                    If swAnn.IsDangling Then
                        swAnn.Select2 True, -1
                    End If
                    Set swAnn = swAnn.GetNext3
                Set swView = swView.GetNextView
            boolstatus = swModel.DeleteSelection(True)
            If boolstatus Then
             swModel.ClearSelection2 (True)
            End If
        Next i
    End If
End Sub

Problems running the macro? Report a bug here.

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