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August 11, 2020

Must-know EPDM API errors for SOLIDWORKS add ins

PDM administration tool Below is a compiled list of the most notoriously common errors that you may encounter while deploying add-ins to a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional vault. Proposed solutions are also listed under each error. The dll is not a COM module. This error is pretty straight-forward. The class that…

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August 5, 2020

Delete dangling dimensions VBA macro

This macro deletes all dangling dimensions from all sheets in the active drawing document. ' Delete all dangling dimensions ' Conditions = Active document must be drawing ' Results = Dangling dimensions deleted ' www.bluebyte.biz Dim swApp As Object Dim swModel As Object Dim swDraw As Object Dim swSheet As…

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June 15, 2020

Add watermark to your drawings – Macro

Add watermark macro in action. This macro adds a watermark to the active sheet of the active drawing document: 'www.bluebyte.biz Public Enum swVerticalJustification_e swVerticalJustificationNone = 0 swVerticalJustificationBottom = 3 swVerticalJustificationMiddle = 2 swVerticalJustificationTop = 1 End Enum Public Enum swTextJustification_e swTextJustificationCenter = 2 swTextJustificationLeft = 1 swTextJustificationNone = 0 swTextJustificationRight…

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May 30, 2020

Top reasons to upgrade your VBA macros in 2020

Converting a SOLIDWORKS VBA macro to an add-in. VBA macros continue to be the choice of the SOLIDWORKS community for…

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April 7, 2018

Delete all properties for the active configuration – SOLIDWORKS MACRO

The following macro deletes all the properties from the active configuration. The macro is written used late-binding so it is version independent. The deletion action requires confirmation by the user. ' Delete all dangling dimensions ' Conditions = Active document must be drawing ' Results = Dangling dimensions deleted '…

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